Shaggy的成名曲It Wasn`t Me,過去有個有趣的插曲,一開始這首歌並沒有打算做成單曲。最後會突然爆紅,得歸功於夏威夷一位叫Pablo Sato的電台DJ。
一次Pablo Sato在網站下載專輯試聽後,突然發現專輯裡一首叫It Wasn`t Me的歌曲讓他讚賞不已,隔天Sato就在電台撥放It Wasn`t Me,結果獲得廣大的迴響。隨後幾天電台的電話線開始爆量,一堆聽眾要求撥放It Wasn`t Me,成為當時電台最受歡迎的歌曲。
而Xavier我第一次聽到It Wasn`t Me,也是在電台,當時同樣給我一種相當驚艷的感覺。
It Wasn`t Me後來就被選為Shaggy新專輯Hot Shot的第一支單曲,It Wasn`t Me也不負眾望,最後在美國、英國、法國、荷蘭和澳洲等近10個國家主流音樂榜奪冠,讓Shaggy出道8年第一次嚐到爆紅的滋味。緊接著Hot Shot第二支單曲Angel也大受歡迎,同樣稱霸英美單曲榜,和It Wasn`t Me成為Shaggy歌唱生涯至今唯二同時在英美奪冠的單曲。
在It Wasn`t Me、Angel和Luv Me, Luv Me等單曲的帶動之下,Shaggy的專輯Hot Shot光是在美國就賣了880萬張,全球銷售量預估達到2000萬,讓Shaggy獲得驚人的成功。
當初這首歌Shaggy找來了英國歌手Rikrok合作,由Shaggy負責rap的部分,兩人第一次合作成績就相當亮眼。之後兩人也合作過Bonafide Girl和Your Eyes等歌曲,但都不再有那麼好的成績。
It Wasn`t Me歌詞的部分相當逗趣,大意是說Rikrok和別的女人發生關係被女朋友抓到,最後跑來問花花公子Shaggy該怎麼辦?Rikrok覺得百口莫辯、不斷詢問,Shaggy就說:「It Wasn`t Me」。就死撐、硬凹說那不是我就對了,還把Rikrok訓了一頓。
One Direction也曾在演唱會翻唱Shaggy的It Wasn't Me
Shaggy - It Wasn't Me (Official Music Video)
Shaggy - Angel (Official Music Video)
Shaggy - It Wasn't Me Lyrics
RikRok:yo man
RikRok:open up man
Shaggy:what do you want man?
RikRok:my girl just caught me
Shaggy:you let her catch you?
RikRok:I don't know how I let this happen
Shaggy:with who?
RikRok:the girl next door, you know?
RikRok:I don't know what to do
Shaggy:say it wasn't you
chorus 1 (RikRok)
honey came in and she caught me red-handed
creeping with the girl next door
picture this we were both butt-naked
banging on the bathroom floor
how could I forget that I had given her an extra key
all this time she was standing there she never took her eyes off me
how you can grant the woman access to your villa
trespasser and a witness while you cling on your pillow
you bettah watch your back before she turn into a killah
best for you and the situation not to call the beaner
to be a true player you have to know how to play
if she say you're not, convince her, say you're gay
never admit to a word when she say
makes a claim and you tell her baby no way
chorus 2
RikRok:but she caught me on the counter
Shaggy:it wasn't me
RikRok:saw me banging on the sofa
Shaggy:it wasn't me
RikRok:I even had her in the shower
Shaggy:it wasn't me
RikRok:she even caught me on camera
Shaggy:it wasn't me
RikRok:she saw the marks on my shoulder
Shaggy:it wasn't me
RikRok:heard the words that I told her
Shaggy:it wasn't me
RikRok:heard the screams getting louder
Shaggy:it wasn't me
RikRok:she stayed until it was over
(chorus 1)
I had tried to keep her from what she was about to see
why should she believe me when I told her it wasn't me
make sure she knows it's not you and lead her on da right prefix
whenever you should see her make da giggolo flex
as funny as it be by you, it not that complex
seein is believin so you better change your specs
you know she not gonna be worrying bout things from the past
hardly recollecting and then she'll go to noontime mass
Rik-boy your answer: go over there
but if she pack a gun you know you better run fast
(chorus 2)
(chorus 1)
how could I forget that I had given her an extra key
all this time she was standing there she never took her eyes off me
gonna tell her that I'm sorry for the pain that I've caused
I've been listenin' to your reasonin' it makes no sense at all
we should tell her that I'm sorry for the pain that I've caused
you may think that you're a player but you're completely lost
(chorus 1)
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