有什麼歌聽起來很甜美的?聽到這個問題的時候,腦海中總會浮出不少選項,不過肯定少不了The Cardigans(羊毛衫合唱團)的Lovefool(愛情傻子)。
Lovefool可說是瑞典團體The Cardigans剛出道最廣為人知的一首歌,在1996年隨著李奧納多主演的電影Romeo + Juliet(羅密歐與茱麗葉)強力放送,成為The Cardigans第一支在國際市場獲得成功的單曲。Lovefool在英美創下的成績至今仍是The Cardigans歷來之最(英國單曲榜第二名,打入美國Billboard六個音樂榜),說是他們的成名曲也不為過。
The Cardigans
主唱Nina Persson說:「這首歌的歌詞其實是她在機場等飛機的時候寫出來的,有那麼點bossa nova的感覺。」歌詞裡的女主角傻傻的愛著那個男人,明明不知道他不愛我了,卻還傻傻的等著他,希望他能回心轉意:喔~說你愛我,就算騙我也無所謂。看似可憐、看似愚蠢,但從Nina甜美的嗓音唱出來,加上輕快的旋律,卻反而讓人對這女孩子不忍苛責,甚至覺得可愛。
The Cardigans – Lovefool (Official Video)
The Cardigans – Lovefool Lyrics
Dear, I fear we're facing a problem
you love me no longer, I know
and maybe there is nothing
that I can do to make you do
Mama tells me I shouldn't bother
that I ought just stick to another man
a man that surely deserves me
but I think you do!
So I cry, and I pray and I beg
Love me love me
say that you love me
fool me fool me
go on and fool me
love me love me
pretend that you love me
lead me lead me
just say that you need me
So I cried, and I begged for you to
Love me love me
say that you love me
lead me lead me
just say that you need me
I can't care about anything but you
Lately I have desperately pondered,
spent my nights awake and I wonder
what I could have done in another way
to make you stay
Reason will not reach a solution
I will end up lost in confusion
I don't care if you really care
as long as you don't go
So I cry, I pray and I beg
Love me love me
say that you love me
fool me fool me
go on and fool me
love me love me
pretend that you love me
lead me lead me
just say that you need me
So I cried, and I begged for you to
Love me love me
say that you love me
lead me lead me
just say that you need me
I can't care about anything but you
(anything but you)
Love me love me
say that you love me
fool me fool me
go on and fool me
Love me love me
I know that you need me
I can't care about anything but you
The Cardigans
The Cardigans 還有Carnival、My Favourite Game、Erase/Rewind和Burning Down the House等經典歌曲,尤其在95年發行的這首Carnival更讓我印象深刻,聽過一遍那優美的旋律就會在腦海反覆出現,寄託著女主角對他的殷切期盼。
The Cardigans – Carnival (Official Video)
The Cardigans - Carnival Lyrics
I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now
I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now
come on and love me now
Carnival came by my town today
bright lights from giantwheel
fall on the alleyways
and I'm here
by my door
waiting for you
I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now
I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now
come on and love me now
I hear sounds of lovers
barrel organs, mothers
I would like to take you
down there
just to make you mine
in a merry-go-round
I will never know
cause you will never show
come on and love me now
come on and love me now
I don't care 'bout anything but you
話說今年8月The cardigans也有來台灣開演唱會,雖然早就過了The cardigans最紅的時期,主唱Nina也從剛出道的甜姐兒變成熟女,但台灣的歌迷還是相當捧場,門票依然一掃而空。
The Cardigans官方網站:http://www.cardigans.com/