說到愛爾蘭天團U2,我總是會想到Electrical Storm(狂風暴雨)這首歌。
U2歷年來發行的單曲,普遍在各國單曲榜成績都相當亮眼,像是Beautiful Day、With or Without You、Desire、Staring At The Sun和The Saints Are Coming(和GreenDay合作)等,許多歌都是U2的代表性歌曲,擁有廣泛的影響力。
U2給我的印象就是很厲害,甚至光看他們站上舞台,散發出來的氣勢就讓我覺得很強。但說真的,U2很多歌對我來說,聽起來並沒有特別的感覺, Electrical Storm(Willam Obit Mix)這首歌算是給我的感受非常深刻的了。
Electrical Storm是收錄在2002年的The Best of 1990–2000精選輯裡,是該專輯額外收錄的新歌(兩首新歌的其中一首)。這首歌充分展現U2主唱Bono的歌唱實力,是有相當難度的一首歌。Electrical Storm抒情意味相當濃厚,在U2歷年單曲裡算是抒情意味相當相當強的,甚至可說是U2最深情的一首歌,寄託了相當濃烈的情感。
也許會吵架、傷心、掉淚,但深愛對方的戀人們,還是離不開彼此,You're in my mind all of the time,妳永遠在我心裡,我們心中還有同樣的願景在,戀人們內心深處是如此矛盾和掙扎,就像狂風暴雨一樣,翻湧不息。下次她哭的時候,你是否想說聲,Baby don`t cry呢?
Electrical Storm最後重覆四次的Baby don`t cry,在爬格子的吉他聲和在Bono哀悽高亢的嗓音裡,敘說著這樣的款款深情……
U2鼓手Larry Mullen Jr擔任Electrical Storm的MV男主角
U2 - Electrical Storm (Official Video):
U2 - Electrical Storm (Willam Obit Mix):
U2 - Electrical Storm Lyrics
The sea it swells like a sore head
And the night it is aching
Two lovers lie with no sheets on their bed
And the day it is breaking
On rainy days we go swimming out
On rainy days swimming in the sound
On rainy days we go swimming out
You're in my mind all of the time
I know that's not enough
If the sky can crack there must be some way back
For love and only love
Car alarm won't let you back to sleep
You're kept awake dreaming someone else's dream
Coffee is cold, but it'll get you through
Compromise, that's nothing new to you
Let's see colors that have never been seen
Let's go to places no one else has been
You're in my mind all of the time
I know that's not enough
But if the sky can crack there must be some way back
To love and only love
Electrical storm
Electrical storm
Electrical storm
Baby, don't cry
It's hot as hell, honey, in this room
Sure hope the weather will break soon
The air is heavy, heavy as a truck
We need the rain to wash away our bad luck
Well if the sky can crack there must be some way back
For love and only love
Electrical storm
Electrical storm
Electrical storm
Baby don't cry
Baby don't cry
Baby don't cry
Baby don't cry